Hi all. I have inserted the Mix Monolith on the last insert of each drum track and selected the learn and mix as the tutorials show. But what i get is that the tracks are peaking after it has been mixed. For example the monolith plugin has increased the volume on most of the tracks. I have put on the loudness meter and the LUFS are correct, as per plugin, but this does not make sense, why is it loud with no headroom. I have attached an example.
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There are (2) things I notice from your example: 1) please give the Monolith a bit more time to analyze the LUFS of your individual element/s...especially with live drums. 2) LUFS are static, in the sense that they do not compensate for frequency/dynamic-range in an element. If, for instance, a snare isn't compressed tightly where it's dynamic-range is around -23/-20 LUFS (it's DR is -29 LFUS), it's signal will be turned up to -25LUFS thereby clipping the track. This is not a problem though...simply compress the DR of the element or if a '''loose' sound is the target, drop the "level-plane" (5dB = (1) level-plane) of each Monolith to compensate...the snare/kick/toms would be at -30 instead of -25. Note: -20 DR is a good general target to aim for when compressing an individual drum element. EQ of an element also plays a factor...a LUFS measurement's final determination will be overall energy, regardless of what frequencies make up that energy.